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Banner Data Governance
Banner Coordinators Group
This group of administrative Banner users facilitates the consistency, integrity, and interoperability of Ellucian Banner system data (including HIS) used by functional areas: Advancement, General, Finance, Human Resources, Financial Aid, and Student.
Banner Coordinators meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month. At least one representative from each functional area should attend every meeting.
The Banner Coordinators make recommendations to Administrative Computing staff related to data in, information about, and issues related to Banner data that affects more than one administrative area. Administrative Computing staff creates an agenda from the items raised by the Banner Coordinators and facilitates the discussion of the agenda during Banner Coordinator meetings.
The Banner Coordinators group contains representatives from each functional area of the University. Additional members may be added as needed by request and approval of the Banner Coordinators.
Module Name | Name | Department |
Accounts Receivable | Vicki Finnigan | Finance |
Advancement/Student | Amber Becke | Center for Career Development |
Advancement | Karen Chocklett | Advancement |
Advancement | Sarah Lewis* | Advancement |
Finance | Pace Martin | Finance |
Finance | Rebecca Brooks | Finance |
Finance | Stephanie Honts* | Finance |
Financial Aid | Autumn Nordstrom* | Financial Aid |
Human Resources | Alicia Godzwa* | Human Resources |
Student | Cathy Koon | Graduate Programs |
Student | Dawn Barnett | Graduate Programs |
Student | Ellie Gathings | HRL |
Student | Kalyca Schultz* | Registrar's Office |
Student | Madeline Aliff | Admission |
Student | Amy Stanley | Admission |
Student | Ramona Kirsch | International Programs |
Student | Trina Johnson | Student Affairs |
Student | Laura Hawley | Provost's Office |
Institutional Effectiveness staff representative:
Maliha Zaman, executive director of institutional effectiveness and chief data officer
Decision Making
The Banner Coordinators group is an administrative body of the University that determines best practices, policies, and data standards for Banner data. Participation from all functional areas is critical. Questions, concerns, and/or requests are submitted to Administrative Computing staff who create an agenda of topics for an upcoming Banner Coordinators meeting. The Banner Coordinators group discusses the agenda items and determines the appropriate actions to resolve each item. If for some reason a consensus cannot be reached, then the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer decides what action, if any, is appropriate.
Banner Coordinators’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
- Informing the Hollins University Banner user community about decisions relating to and affecting other functional areas.
- Resolving Banner data issues that affect multiple administrative systems and/or functional areas.
- Establishing and/or revising data types such as address types, e-mail addresses, name standards, or other standard data entry elements.
- Establishing, maintaining, and distributing data standards
Associate Director, Enterprise Systems will ask for agenda items and distribute them via email and record the meeting on Teams. They will also call for items of inclusion to the agenda for discussion prior to the meeting date.
Banner Coordinators will keep their respective supervisors and relevant direct reports informed of decisions made within the Banner Coordinator meetings.
Use of Special Characters
Avoid the use of special characters as they may cause confusion because they can also represent mathematical instructions. The general rule is to spell out all values where possible; however, if a special character is necessary, it must be used without leading or trailing spaces.
- ( )
- "
- =
- [ ]
- ...
- :
- ;
- #
- /
- +
- -
- &
- $
- @
- !
- ,
- *
- %
- Use c/o to indicate an 'in care of' situation.
- Only use punctuation in names or addresses when it is a part of the official name.
- All data should be entered using mixed case (uppercase and lowercase) and standard capitalization rules.
- Name and address lines should be no longer than 4 lines of information (name line, 2 address lines, and the city/state/zip line).
Commas, and double " and single ' quotes may cause problems in GLBDATA , GLBLSEL , and GLRLETR. The Banner data extract feature can also have problems with data containing double " quotes. Also note, period "." in letter generation can cause a double space issue.
Dup Robinson*
Quick Codes
Quick codes are used across all Banner systems as a part of the General system. Hollins uses the following quick codes:
- AP / AM - Advancement
- F - Finance
- S - Student
- HR - Human Resources
- R - Financial Aid
- T - Accounts Receivable
- G - General
Code Key
ID Number Standards
Before any student, employee, or vendor is added to the Banner system, a thorough search for an existing record must be performed. All functional areas must conduct this search to ensure no duplicate records are created.
The following information applies to ALL systems:
- All constituent records (person and non-person) require an identification number, which is a system generated, unique nine-digit string beginning with A, 0, or @ . The social security number search is the Alternate ID Search (SSN/SIN/TIN) listed when searching for a person on any "_PAIDEN" form (e.g., APAIDEN, PPAIDEN, or SPAIDEN, SOAIDEN)
- If an ID is unknown, or if a search reveals no records, search for the person’s name using the first few letters of each name followed by the wildcard (%). Also search for common alternate spellings of the name as a record might have needed to be entered with limited or incorrect data.
- Employees are required to supply their social security number. The social security number will only be entered on SPAPERS. Banner ID aka SPRIDEN_ID will always be a system generated ID.
- Vendors and businesses associated with the university submit a complete, signed W-9 form listing their nine-digit federal taxpayer identification number or the proprietor’s social security number. Banner ID will always be a system generated ID.
- Each area is responsible for entering accurate data into Banner that adheres to the Hollins University data standards because the data is used by other functional areas, third-party systems, and established reporting practices.
Third-Party Vendors and Software
Any data which is uploaded into Banner from third-party vendors or software must adhere to the Hollins data standards.
Name Standards
Upper- and lower-case letters should be used in accordance with standard capitalization rules. Punctuation such as hyphens and dashes are allowed in addresses. It is best to avoid all punctuation. Punctation does not include special characters needed for individual names. When possible, names should be spelled, use correct characters and punctuation to recognize the importance of a name to someone’s identity. See Section 07 for specific rules relating to addresses.
First and Middle Names
Spell out the full first and middle names when possible. If an initial is required, do not use a period. Banner allows 60 characters per field for first and middle names. If an individual uses an initial with a second name as a first name, enter both under first name, and a space in between the initial and the second name (e.g., G Gordon). It is recommended to add the second name as a preferred name.
Last Names
Always enter the entire last name. Banner allows 60 characters for last names. If the last name is longer than the 60 displayed characters enter as much as possible, then enter the entire name in the Comment Form.
- For Comment Type, enter LST.
- For Originator enter your area originator code. You can use List.
Names which begin with prefixes such as Mac, De, Van, etc. Should be spelled in the last name field exactly as given to ensure correct spelling for output such as mailings.
Prefixes and Suffixes
Do not use punctuation (ex. Mr and Mrs / Ms / Jr / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Rev / II).
Company Names
Company names follow the same formatting as names for individuals above. This includes the exact usage of abbreviations (Co, Inc, etc.) but without punctuation.
Address Standards
Use upper and lower case in all addresses.
Banner stores addresses and phone numbers according to type. See Appendix B for lists and descriptions. Appendix C lists and describes phone types. Banner requires there be only one active address for each address type on the system.
Domestic Addresses
Street, Road, etc.
See Appendices, B, G, H, and I as abbreviations.
Apartment, Floor, Room, Suite
Include these in abbreviated form: Apt, Fl, Rm, Ste on the same line as the street address. If the street address line is still too long to do this, abbreviate the street, road, etc.
If the street address is still too long, put the entire number on the first address line, above the street address:
Ste 1025 123456
Northeast Kentucky Industrial Parkway
Cardinal Directions
Abbreviate all cardinal directions:
50 S Bond St
Abbreviate ordinal directions (NE, SW) as two letters with no periods and no space.
17 NE Bail Rd
In Care Of
Abbreviate "In Care Of" as c/o. Place it on the first address line:
c/o Elvis Presley 123 Graceland Boulevard
Box Numbers
Abbreviate "Post Office" with no space:
PO Box 535
If an address includes both a PO Box and a street address, put the PO Box on the the line below the street address (address line just before city, state, zip line is where the post office will deliver mail).
23 Damon Runyon Road PO Box 535
Enter a rural route (RR) and a box number on the same line.
RR 2 Box 77
City Names
Treat city names as follows:
- Do not abbreviate city names unless required by space limitations.
- Spell out cardinal/ordinal directions and the words Fort and Saint when they are part of a city’s name when space allows.
An easy way to enter city, state, and zip information (in most cases) is to move to the zip field with NextPrimary Key (CTRL+K), type the zip and press `Enter`. City and state will default in.
Telephone Numbers
Enter the entire phone number, including the area code and an extension when it is available. Do not use hyphens or parentheses to separate the numbers. Banner separates the area code and extension with spaces automatically.
International telephone numbers must be entered on SPATELE by putting “FOREIGN” under Phone Number and the entire phone number under International Code Country City field (do not use hyphens or spaces).
Zip Codes
Standard is zip code + 4.
Foreign Addresses
Always leave street line 3 blank on foreign addresses or the address will not fit on printed labels due to line restrictions related to printing the country name.
Zip Codes must go on the same line as city (never put in zip code line). Only use Zip code line for US and Canada. The country must be entered on all address types.
International Telephone Numbers
Enter the entire phone number in the International Access Banner field with the appropriate address type on the Telephone Tab of SPAIDEN, APAIDEN, or SPATELE according to the following guidelines:
- Enter the number without the leading 011 US exit access code, hyphens, spaces, dashes, or any other special characters.
- Country code (1-3 digits) first, followed by the country's area code (2-5 digits), and phone number (4-8 digits). Please refer to this website when needed to confirm the proper country code for international phone numbers received.
- Calling Bermuda, Canada, Jamaica and some other territories is like a domestic long-distance call within the US, (i.e., 1+area code +phone number) so those countries’ numbers must be entered in the Area Code and Phone Number Banner fields and not the International Access field.
- Since US cell phone numbers can travel internationally, there may be instances where someone will have an international address but a US phone number. In that case, please enter the phone number in the Area Code and Phone Number Banner fields.
Address Maintenance
Because the entire institution uses addresses, with different departments sharing address information, correct addresses are important to us all. Since many users can change information for any Banner record, it is essential to adhere to the rules for proper address type usage. All address changes for a given address type must be made by the office responsible for that address type.
Banner stores addresses and phone numbers by type. All addresses must be associated with a type. Appendix C defines the address types used in Banner.
Expiring Addresses
A second address of the same type cannot be entered without expiring the existing address, excluding MA addresses. An address is expired by entering the date after which the old address is no longer valid as well as the date on which the new address becomes active. The expired address should be marked as “Inactive”. When changing the address on an existing address record, be sure to change the "effective from" date to the date on which the change was made.
Banner records the name of the user who changed an address. Questions about a specific address change should be directed to that person or that person's department.
HR address should only be changed by Human Resources. MA address should only be changed by the Registrar's Office. Please contact the appropriate office to change one of these two address types.
Student Status Codes
AS = Active Status
Active Graduate and Undergraduate Students
IS = Inactive Status
Undergraduate Students and Horizon on approved leave of absence
IP = In Progress
Graduate and Horizon Students (they “come and go” at will.)
DP = Degree Pending (Registrar’s use only)
Have met their degree requirements and are not on campus prior to graduation (i.e., An undergraduate student completes their degree at the end of short term, then for spring term we would use the code DP) or will graduate and this code is entered into the graduation term (05) for easy data retrieval.
GR = Graduated
Query graduated status at the 01 or the 05 terms.
Level Codes
There are two levels of study for students in Banner, graduate and undergraduate. All students must be enrolled in one level or the other.
Undergraduate = 01
The Office of Student Affairs maintains level 01.
Graduate = 02
The office of Graduate Studies maintains level 02.
Rate Codes
Undergraduate (01) Rate Codes
- UNDER - any traditional undergraduate student seeking their degree from Hollins University
- AH - Adult Horizon, any student over 25 or who has been out of school more than 4 years who is seeking an undergraduate degree from Hollins University
- SPEC - anyone who has a high school diploma (but not a BA degree) who wishes to take one or more courses at Hollins (male/female, often employees)
- HS - HighSchool students wishing to take a course at Hollins (male/female)
- SUMS - Special Sum Advantage Program
- VIS - Visiting student
- VIS-B - Visiting student Beaver College
- VIS-C - Visiting student - 7 College Con
- VIS-F - Visiting student - foreign / international
- VIS-I - Visiting student Ireland cons
- VIS - Any visitor not affiliated with one of our exchange/consortium programs who is currently enrolled in a degree seeking program at another U.S. institution (male or female). Generally used for visitors attending our abroad programs.
- VIS-J - VisitingStudent from our Japan consortium program
- VIS-M - Visiting Student from U.D.L.A. (Mexico) consortium program
- VIS-W - Visiting student participating in the Ruben Writing Program
Visitors (in general) are defined as any student currently seeking an undergraduate degree from another institution, attending Hollins (or one of its abroad programs) for one or more semesters. They may be male or female.
Graduate (02) Rate Codes
- CAS - Certificate of Advanced Studies, post masters degree
- CBWIH - Ch Book Writ & Illus MFA
- CHLIT - Masters Degree (MA) in children’s literature
- CHLTH - MastersDegree (MA) in children’s literature
- CLBWI - Ch Book Writ & Illus MFA
- CLMFA - Children’s Literature MFA CMFAH - Children’s Literature MFA
- CREA - CreativeWriting MFA (original (statistical use only)
- CREA1 - Creative Writing MFA (Odd Years)
- CREA2 - CreativeWriting MFA (Even Years)
- DANCD - Dance MFA Low Residency (Duke)
- DANCH - Dance MFA High Residency (Hollins)
- DANCS - Dance MFA Three-Year
- DANDH - Dance MFA Low Res
- DANHH - Dance MFA High Res
- DANSH - Dance MFA Three-Year
- ENGL - Masters Degree (MA) in English and Creative Writing (statistical use only)
- FILM - Screenwriting and Film Studies
- FILM2 - Film MFA
- FILMH - Screenwriting and Film Studies
- FLM2H - Film MFA
- MALS - Master of Arts Liberal Studies, students seeking a master’s degree
- MALSH - Master of Arts Liberal Studies, students seeking a master’s degree
- MAT - Master of Arts in Teaching, designed for students who have a BA degree and have taught school for 3 or more years
- MAT2 - Master of Arts in Teaching, students seeking certification
- MAT2H - Master of Arts in Teaching
- MSEDUH - Special — MAT
- PBC - Post Baccalaureate Certificate
- PSY - Psychology — Graduate
- PW - Playwriting MFA
- PWH - Playwriting MFA
- SCAS - Special CAS, non-degree program for students who have completed their master’s degree and are taking courses for general interest (non-degree seeking)
- SCHIL - Child Book Illustration—Cert
- SCNPD - New Play Directing—Cert
- SCNPP - New Play performance—Cert
- SEDUC - Teacher Certification (working on this at this time), non-degree seeking students who have their BA degree and are being certified for teaching (loan eligible)
- SMALS - Special MALS, non-degree program for students who have completed an undergraduate degree and are taking courses for general interest (non-degree seeking)
- SFILM - Special Student studying in the Screenwriting and Film Studies Program (non-degree seeking)
- SMALS - Special Student taking courses in the MALS program (non-degree seeking).
- SPC - Special — Post Certificate
- STCH - Special-CAS for Teaching
- STCH2 - Special-CAS for Teaching
- SVT-Special—Virginia Tech
Term Codes
Term codes always begin with the calendar year, followed by the month the term begins.
YEAR+01 = Short Term
e.g., 202201 (January) and Graduation Term for those students who completed their degree requirements OCTOBER 1st.
YEAR+02 = Spring Term
e.g., 202202 (February)
YEAR+05 = Graduation Term e.g., 202205 (May)
This term is one day in length and is used only to identify those students who graduated. This is for data retrieval. Some students go directly from one program into another and there was no easy way to look at a student record to see when/if they graduated.
YEAR+06 = Summer Session e.g., 202206 (June)
YEAR+09 = Fall Term e.g., 202209 (September)
999999 = End of time (Banner default)
000000 = Beginning of time (Banner default)
Campus Codes
Hollins has several consortium agreements as well as study abroad programs. Students participating in one of these programs will be identified with the appropriate campus code for the term(s) they are abroad. These students are active, are counted in enrollment reports, and included in statistical reports. They may also be eligible for financial aid.
Campus Codes | Description |
8 | Mid-Atlantic Consortium |
A | Athens, Greece |
B | Beaver College, Austria |
C | Christie’s Educ. Exper. |
F | Field Studies |
G | Ghana |
H | Hollins |
I | Limerick, Ireland |
J | Japan |
K | Cork, Ireland |
L | London |
M | Mexico |
P | Paris |
S | Spain Studies Abroad |
U | American University |
W | Ludwigsburg, Garmany |
X | 7 College Exchange |
Y | Rome, Italy |
Emergency Contacts
Two emergency contacts are allowed. The Priority field determines the primary contact. Enter 1 or 2 in the priority field. Enter the contact's name and address information using the standards defined in this document. Enter a valid relationship code.
All documents with PII (personally identifiable information) must be protected from loss, theft, or misuse while supporting the Hollins University mission. When reporting to external agencies, the end user must confirm that it is permissible to supply the agency with PII. Data reported to external agencies must be loaded to a secured site/server. PII should never be sent in an email or stored on a shared drive or local hard drives of end users.
End Users will develop reports on using the TEST systems for each reporting tool. Current reporting tools are BIQuery, Oracle Discoverer, and Orbit Analytics.
Commonly Used Forms
General Information
Identification Forms - SPAIDEN = student, PPAIDEN = employee, APAIDEN = advancement
General Person Form
E-Mail Address Form
Hold Information Form
Student Forms
General Student Form
Registration Query
Multiple Advisors Form
Degree Summary Form
Faculty Forms
Faculty Schedule Query Form
Advisor Forms
Course summary form
SubjectSequence History form
Term Sequence Course History form
Transfer Course Form
Course Forms
ScheduleSection Query Form
Class Roster Form
Printing of Class Rosters
Appendix A - Standard Address Abbreviations
Word | Abbreviation |
Apartment | Apt |
Avenue | Ave |
Boulevard | Blvd |
Circle | Cir |
Crescent | Cres |
Court | Ct |
Cove | Cv |
Drive | Dr |
East | E |
Estate | Est |
Floor | Fl |
Garden | Gdn |
Gardens | Gdns |
Green | Grn |
Heights | Hts |
Highway | Hwy |
Lane | Ln |
North | N |
Northeast | NE |
Northwest | NW |
Parkway | Pky |
Place | Pl |
P.O. Box | PO Box |
Point | Pt |
Road | Rd |
Ridge | Rdg |
Room | Rm |
Rt. Box; Route Box; RD Box | RR Box |
South | S |
Southeast | SE |
Street | St |
Suite | Ste |
Southwest | SW |
Terrace | Ter |
Trail | Trl |
West | W |
Way | Way |
Appendix B - Address Record Types
| System Address Description | REQ IND | Telephone Code |
a | AE | Alumnae E-Mail Address |
r | AP | Accounts Payable Address |
| BU |
a | BD | Boarding Sch for Admissions Of |
| BD |
a | BE | Alumnae Business E‐Mail |
a | BI | Billing for Business Office | Y | BI |
a | BK | Bulk Mailing ‐ Development |
| BK |
a | BU | Business ‐ Development | Y | BU |
a | DB | Duplicate Bill for Business Of |
r | DG | Duplicate Grades for Registrar |
r | EA | Electronic Mail Address |
a | EM | Emergency for Student Services |
| EM |
| EV | Event Mailing for Georegion | N |
a | FA | Financial Aid | N | FA |
a | FB | Former BK ‐ Development | N | FB |
a | FM | Formal Address ‐ Development |
| FM |
a | FR | Faculty Recruiting‐VPAA Office |
| FR |
| FS | Former Seasonal | N | FS |
a | FU | Former Business ‐ Development | N | FU |
a | HF | Host Family for Internationals |
| HF |
a | HR | Official Personnel Address |
| HR |
r | LA | Stdnt MA Address‐Former Progrm |
| LB | Local Business ‐ NO MAIL | N |
r | LR | Local Residence‐NO MAIL |
| LR |
a | MA | Address of Record | Y | MA |
a | MG | Matching Gift |
a | NS | Non‐Seasonal for Alum Dev Off. | N | NS |
a | OF | Hollins Office for Personnel |
| OF |
a | OP | Other Parent |
| OP |
a | PA | Parents (if diff from MA) | Y | PA |
r | PB | Hometown Publicity |
| PB |
a | PO | Hollins PO Box for Student Ser |
a | PU | Purchasing Address |
| BU |
a | RA | Recru/Admis Address of Record |
a | RH | Campus Residence for Stu Servi |
| RH |
r | RO | Regional Office |
r | RR | AAR Address for Admissions |
| RR |
r | RT | AAR Team members |
| RT |
| S2 | Seasonal Address #2 ‐ Develop | N | SE2 |
a | SE | Seasonal Address ‐ Development |
| SE |
a | TE | Temporary |
| TE |
a | VC | Visitor Home Institution |
| VC |
a | WA | Web Address of Record Update | N | WA |
a | WB | Billing ‐ Bus Office Update | N | WB |
a | WD | Duplicate Bill ‐ Bus Off Upd | N | WD |
a | WM | Web Address of Record ‐ Admiss | N | WM |
a | WO | Other Parent ‐ Update | N | WO |
a | WP | Parent ‐ Update | N | WP |
a | WT | Temporary ‐ Update | N | WT |
a | WX | Hollins PO Box ‐ Update | N | WX |
a | XX | Reserved for TGRFEED Use Only | Y |
Appendix C - Name Prefixes and Suffixes
Name Prefixes
Prefix Code | Description |
1LT | First Lieutenant |
2LT | Second Lieutenant |
Admiral | Admiral |
Rear Admiral | Rear Admiral |
Vice Admiral | Vice Admiral |
BGN | Brigadier General |
Bro | Brother |
Bishop | Bishop |
CPT | Captain |
COL | Colonel |
Commander | Commander |
CW04 | Chief Warrant Officer |
Dr | Doctor |
ENS | Ensign |
Fr | Father |
GEN | General |
Hon | Honorable |
LT | Lieutenant |
LTC | Lieutenant Colonel |
LT Commander | Lieutenant Commander |
LTG | Lieutenant General |
LTJG | Lieutenant (Junior Grade) |
MAJ | Major |
MGN | Major General |
Most Rev | Most Reverend |
Mother Superior | Mother Superior |
Name Suffixes
Suffix Code | Description |
CFRE | Certified Fund Raising Executive |
CLU | Chartered Life Underwriter |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant |
D.C. | Doctor of Chiropractic |
D.D. | Doctor of Divinity |
D.D.S. | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
D.M.D. | Doctor of Dental Medicine |
D.O. | Doctor of Osteopathy |
D.V.M. | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
Dr. | Doctor of Education |
Esq. | Esquire |
II | The Second |
III | The Third |
J.D. | Jurist Doctor |
Jr. | Junior |
LL.D. | Doctor of Laws |
M.D. | Doctor of Medicine |
O.D. | Doctor of Optometry |
P.C. | Past Commander, Police Constable, Post Commander |
Ph.D. | Doctor of Philosophy |
Ret. | Retired |
R.N. | Registered Nurse |
R.N.C. | Registered Nurse Clinician |
Sr. | Senior |
USA | United States Army |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFR | United States Air Force Reserve |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCR | United States Marine Corps Reserve |
USN | United States Navy |
USNR | United States Navy Reserve |
Appendix D - Company Name Abbreviations
Name | Abbreviation |
Admissions | Adm |
American | Amer |
And | & |
Associates | Assoc |
Center | Ctr |
Community | Com |
Company | Co |
Cooperative | Coop |
Corporation | Corp |
Council | Coun |
County | Co |
Distributing | Distr |
Education | Edu |
Extension | Ext |
General | Gen |
Hospital | Hosp |
Incorporated | Inc |
Information | Info |
Institute | Inst |
Insurance | Ins |
International | Intl |
Laboratories | Labs |
Library | Lib |
Limited | Ltd |
Management | Mgt |
Mutual | Mut |
National | Natl |
Publisher | Pub |
Service | Serv |
Services | Serv |
Society | Soc |
States | Use standard abbreviations |
Technology | Tech |
University | Univ |
Appendix E - Secondary Street Abbreviations
Value | Description |
APT | Apartment |
BLDG | Building |
BSMT | Basement |
DEPT | Department |
FL | Floor |
FRNT | Front |
HNGR | Hanger |
LBBY | Lobby |
LOT | Lot |
LOWR | Lower |
OFC | Office |
PH | Penthouse |
PIER | Pier |
REAR | Rear |
RM | Room |
SIDE | Side |
SLIP | Slip |
SPC | Space |
STE | Suite |
STOP | Stop |
TRLR | Trailer |
UNIT | Unit |
UPPR | Upper |
Appendix F - Pre- and Post-Directions
Abbreviation | Direction |
Spaces | No Post Direction |
E | East |
N | North |
NE | Northeast |
NW | Northwest |
S | South |
SE | Southeast |
SW | Southwest |
W | West |
Appendix G - Street Indicator Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Description |
Aly | Alley |
Anx | Annex |
Arc | Arcade |
Ave | Avenue |
Bch | Beach |
Bg | Burg |
Blf | Bluff |
Blvd | Boulevard |
Bnd | Bend |
Br | Branch |
Brg | Bridge |
Brk | Brook |
Btm | Bottom |
Byp | Bypass |
Byu | Bayou |
Ctr | Center |
Cir | Circle |
Clb | Club |
Clfs | Cliffs |
Cor | Corner |
Cors | Corners |
Cp | Camp |
Cpe | Cape |
Cres | Crescent |
Crk | Creek |
Crse | Course |
Cswy | Causeway |
Ct | Court |
Cts | Courts |
Cv | Cove |
Cyn | Canyon |
Dl | Dale |
Dm | Dam |
Dr | Drive |
Dv | Divide |
Est | Estates |
Expy | Expressway |
Ext | Extension |
Fall | Fall |
Falls | Falls |
Fld | Field |
Flds | Fields |
Flt | Flats |
Frd | Ford |
Frg | Forge |
Frk | Fork |
Frks | Forks |
Frst | Forest |
Fry | Ferry |
Ft | Fort |
Fwy | Freeway |
Gdns | Gardens |
Gln | Glen |
Grn | Green |
Grv | Grove |
Gtwy | Gateway |
Hbr | Harbor |
Hl | Hill |
Hls | Hills |
Holw | Hollow |
Hts | Heights |
Hvn | Haven |
Hwy | Highway |
Inlt | Inlet |
Is | Island |
Isle | Isle |
Iss | Islands |
Jct | Junction |
Knls | Knolls |
Ky | Key |
Lcks | Locks |
Ldg | Lodge |
Lf | Loaf |
Lgt | Light |
Lk | Lake |
Lks | Lakes |
Ln | Lane |
Lndg | Landing |
Loop | Loop |
Mall | Mall |
Mdws | Meadows |
Ml | Mill |
Mls | Mills |
Mnr | Manor |
Msn | Mission |
Mt | Mount |
Mtn | Mountain |
Nck | Neck |
Orch | Orchard |
Oval | Oval |
Park | Park |
Pass | Pass |
Path | Path |
Pky | Parkway |
Pl | Place |
Pln | Plain |
Plns | Plains |
Plz | Plaza |
Pnes | Pines |
Pr | Prairie |
Prt | Port |
Pt | Point |
Radl | Radial |
Rd | Road |
Rdg | Ridge |
Riv | River |
Rnch | Ranch |
Row | Row |
Rpds | Rapids |
Rst | Rest |
Run | Run |
Shl | Shoal |
Shls | Shoals |
Shr | Shore |
Shrs | Shores |
Smt | Summit |
Spg | Spring |
Spgs | Springs |
Spur | Spur |
Sq | Square |
St | Street |
Sta | Station |
Sta | Stravenue |
Strm | Stream |
Ter | Terrace |
Tpke | Turnpike |
Trak | Track |
Trce | Trace |
Trl | Trail |
Trlr | Trailer |
Tunl | Tunnel |
Un | Union |
Via | Viaduct |
Vis | Vista |
Vl | Ville |
Vlg | Village |
Vly | Valley |
Vw | View |
Walk | Walk |
Way | Way |
Wls | Wells |
Crossing |
Appendix H - Virginia County Codes and Descriptions
Code | County/City | Date Activated |
1 | Accomack County | 13-Jul-92 |
3 | Albemarle County | 13-Jul-92 |
510 | Alexandria City | 13-Jul-92 |
5 | Alleghany County | 13-Jul-92 |
7 | Amelia County | 13-Jul-92 |
9 | Amherst County | 13-Jul-92 |
11 | Appomattox County | 13-Jul-92 |
13 | Arlington County | 13-Jul-92 |
15 | Augusta County | 13-Jul-92 |
17 | Bath County | 13-Jul-92 |
515 | Bedford City | 13-Jul-92 |
19 | Bedford County | 13-Jul-92 |
21 | Bland County | 13-Jul-92 |
23 | Botetourt County | 13-Jul-92 |
520 | Bristol City | 13-Jul-92 |
25 | Brunswick County | 13-Jul-92 |
27 | Buchanan County | 7-Aug-92 |
29 | Buckingham County | 13-Jul-92 |
530 | Buena Vista City | 13-Jul-92 |
31 | Campbell County | 13-Jul-92 |
33 | Caroline County | 13-Jul-92 |
35 | Carroll County | 13-Jul-92 |
36 | Charles City County | 13-Jul-92 |
37 | Charlotte County | 13-Jul-92 |
540 | Charlottesville City | 13-Jul-92 |
550 | Chesapeake City | 13-Jul-92 |
41 | Chesterfield County | 13-Jul-92 |
43 | Clarke County | 13-Jul-92 |
560 | Clifton Forge City | 13-Jul-92 |
570 | Colonial Heights City | 13-Jul-92 |
580 | Covington City | 13-Jul-92 |
45 | Craig County | 13-Jul-92 |
47 | Culpeper County | 7-Aug-92 |
49 | Cumberland County | 13-Jul-92 |
590 | Danville City | 13-Jul-92 |
51 | Dickenson County | 13-Jul-92 |
53 | Dinwiddie County | 13-Jul-92 |
595 | Emporia City | 13-Jul-92 |
57 | Essex County | 13-Jul-92 |
600 | Fairfax City | 13-Jul-92 |
59 | Fairfax County | 13-Jul-92 |
610 | Falls Church City | 13-Jul-92 |
61 | Fauquier County | 13-Jul-92 |
63 | Floyd County | 13-Jul-92 |
65 | Fluvanna County | 13-Jul-92 |
620 | Franklin City | 13-Jul-92 |
67 | Franklin County | 13-Jul-92 |
69 | Frederick County | 13-Jul-92 |
630 | Fredericksburg City | 13-Jul-92 |
640 | Galax City | 13-Jul-92 |
71 | Giles County | 13-Jul-92 |
73 | Gloucester County | 13-Jul-92 |
75 | Goochland County | 13-Jul-92 |
77 | Grayson County | 13-Jul-92 |
79 | Greene County | 13-Jul-92 |
81 | Greensville County | 13-Jul-92 |
83 | Halifax County | 13-Jul-92 |
650 | Hampton City | 13-Jul-92 |
85 | Hanover County | 13-Jul-92 |
660 | Harrisonburg City | 13-Jul-92 |
87 | Henrico County | 13-Jul-92 |
89 | Henry County | 13-Jul-92 |
91 | Highland County | 13-Jul-92 |
670 | Hopewell City | 13-Jul-92 |
902 | In-State Unknown | 13-Jul-92 |
93 | Isle of Wight County | 13-Jul-92 |
95 | James City County | 13-Jul-92 |
97 | King and Queen County | 13-Jul-92 |
99 | King George County | 13-Jul-92 |
101 | King William County | 13-Jul-92 |
103 | Lancaster County | 13-Jul-92 |
105 | Lee County | 13-Jul-92 |
678 | Lexington City | 13-Jul-92 |
107 | Loudoun County | 13-Jul-92 |
109 | Louisa County | 13-Jul-92 |
111 | Lunenburg County | 13-Jul-92 |
680 | Lynchburg City | 13-Jul-92 |
113 | Madison County | 13-Jul-92 |
683 | Manassas City | 13-Jul-92 |
685 | Manassas Park City | 13-Jul-92 |
690 | Martinsville City | 13-Jul-92 |
115 | Mathews County | 13-Jul-92 |
117 | Mecklenburg County | 13-Jul-92 |
119 | Middlesex County | 13-Jul-92 |
121 | Montgomery County | 13-Jul-92 |
123 | Nansemond County | 13-Jul-92 |
125 | Nelson County | 13-Jul-92 |
127 | New Kent County | 13-Jul-92 |
700 | Newport News City | 13-Jul-92 |
710 | Norfolk City | 13-Jul-92 |
131 | Northampton County | 13-Jul-92 |
133 | Northumberland County | 13-Jul-92 |
720 | Norton City | 13-Jul-92 |
135 | Nottoway County | 7-Aug-92 |
137 | Orange County | 13-Jul-92 |
139 | Page County | 13-Jul-92 |
730 | Petersburg City | 13-Jul-92 |
143 | Pittsylvania County | 13-Jul-92 |
735 | Poquoson City | 13-Jul-92 |
740 | Portsmouth City | 13-Jul-92 |
145 | Powhatan County | 13-Jul-92 |
147 | Prince Edward County | 13-Jul-92 |
149 | Prince George County | 13-Jul-92 |
153 | Prince William County | 13-Jul-92 |
155 | Pulaski County | 13-Jul-92 |
750 | Radford City | 13-Jul-92 |
157 | Rappahannock County | 13-Jul-92 |
760 | Richmond City | 13-Jul-92 |
159 | Richmond County | 13-Jul-92 |
770 | Roanoke City | 13-Jul-92 |
161 | Roanoke County | 13-Jul-92 |
163 | Rockbridge County | 13-Jul-92 |
165 | Rockingham County | 13-Jul-92 |
167 | Russell County | 13-Jul-92 |
775 | Salem City | 13-Jul-92 |
169 | Scott County | 13-Jul-92 |
171 | Shenandoah County | 13-Jul-92 |
173 | Smyth County | 13-Jul-92 |
780 | South Boston City | 13-Jul-92 |
175 | Southampton County | 13-Jul-92 |
177 | Spotsylvania County | 13-Jul-92 |
179 | Stafford County | 13-Jul-92 |
790 | Staunton City | 13-Jul-92 |
800 | Suffolk City | 13-Jul-92 |
181 | Surry County | 13-Jul-92 |
183 | Sussex County | 13-Jul-92 |
185 | Tazewell County | 13-Jul-92 |
810 | Virginia Beach City | 13-Jul-92 |
187 | Warren County | 13-Jul-92 |
191 | Washington County | 13-Jul-92 |
820 | Waynesboro City | 13-Jul-92 |
193 | Westmoreland County | 13-Jul-92 |
830 | Williamsburg City | 13-Jul-92 |
840 | Winchester City | 13-Jul-92 |
195 | Wise County | 13-Jul-92 |
197 | Wythe County | 13-Jul-92 |
199 | York County | 13-Jul-92 |
Appendix I - US States/Territories, Canadian Providences (Code Mandatory for Changes)
Code | State/Province | Date Activated |
0 | Home school/GED | 15-Aug-02 |
AA | AA--Overseas Military St Equiv | 15-Aug-02 |
AB | Alberta | 15-Aug-02 |
AC | Australian Capital Territory 1 | 21-Aug-13 |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
AE | AE--Overseas Military St Equiv | 15-Aug-02 |
AK | Alaska | 15-Aug-02 |
AL | Alabama | 15-Aug-02 |
AP | AP--Overseas Military St Equiv | 15-Aug-02 |
AR | Arkansas | 15-Aug-02 |
AS | American Samoa | 15-Aug-02 |
AZ | Arizona | 15-Aug-02 |
BC | British Columbia | 15-Aug-02 |
CA | California | 15-Aug-02 |
CO | Colorado | 15-Aug-02 |
CT | Connecticut | 15-Aug-02 |
CZ | Canal Zone | 15-Aug-02 |
DC | District of Columbia | 15-Aug-02 |
DE | Delaware | 15-Aug-02 |
FL | Florida | 15-Aug-02 |
FM | Federation State Micronesia | 15-Aug-02 |
FR | Foreign State | 15-Nov-06 |
GA | Georgia | 15-Aug-02 |
GU | Guam | 15-Aug-02 |
HI | Hawaii | 15-Aug-02 |
IA | Iowa | 15-Aug-02 |
ID | Idaho | 15-Aug-02 |
IL | Illinois | 15-Aug-02 |
IN | Indiana | 15-Aug-02 |
KS | Kansas | 15-Aug-02 |
KY | Kentucky | 15-Aug-02 |
LA | Louisiana | 15-Aug-02 |
MA | Massachusetts | 15-Aug-02 |
MB | Manitoba | 15-Aug-02 |
MD | Maryland | 15-Aug-02 |
ME | Maine | 15-Aug-02 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
MI | Michigan | 15-Aug-02 |
MN | Minnesota | 15-Aug-02 |
MO | Missouri | 15-Aug-02 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
MS | Mississippi | 15-Aug-02 |
MT | Montana | 15-Aug-02 |
N | Northern Territory (Australia) | 7-Aug-13 |
NB | New Brunswick | 15-Aug-02 |
NC | North Carolina | 15-Aug-02 |
ND | North Dakota | 15-Aug-02 |
NE | Nebraska | 15-Aug-02 |
NF | Newfoundland (NL) | 7-Aug-13 |
NH | New Hampshire | 15-Aug-02 |
NJ | New Jersey | 15-Aug-02 |
NL | Newfoundland | 7-Aug-13 |
NM | New Mexico | 15-Aug-02 |
NS | Nova Scotia | 15-Aug-02 |
NSW | New South Wales | 21-Aug-13 |
NT | Northwest Territories (Canada) | 7-Aug-13 |
NV | Nevada | 15-Aug-02 |
NY | New York | 15-Aug-02 |
OH | Ohio | 15-Aug-02 |
OK | Oklahoma | 15-Aug-02 |
ON | Ontario | 15-Aug-02 |
OR | Oregon | 15-Aug-02 |
PA | Pennsylvania | 15-Aug-02 |
PE | Prince Edward Island | 15-Aug-02 |
PW | Palau Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
QC | Quebec | 7-Aug-13 |
QE | Quebec (QC) | 7-Aug-13 |
QL | Queensland Australia | 7-Aug-13 |
QLD | Queensland Australia 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
RI | Rhode Island | 15-Aug-02 |
S | Southern Australia 1 | 21-Aug-13 |
SA | Southern Australia 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
SC | South Carolina | 15-Aug-02 |
SD | South Dakota | 15-Aug-02 |
SK | Saskatchewan | 15-Aug-02 |
TA | Tasmania (Australia) | 7-Aug-13 |
TAS | Tasmania (Australia) 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
TN | Tennessee | 15-Aug-02 |
TT | Trust Territories | 15-Aug-02 |
TX | Texas | 15-Aug-02 |
UT | Utah | 15-Aug-02 |
VA | Virginia | 15-Aug-02 |
VI | Virgin Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
VIC | Victoria Government | 21-Aug-13 |
VT | Vermont | 15-Aug-02 |
W | Western Australia | 7-Aug-13 |
WA | Washington | 15-Aug-02 |
WI | Wisconsin | 15-Aug-02 |
WV | West Virginia | 15-Aug-02 |
WY | Wyoming | 15-Aug-02 |
XX | State Unknown/Dummy State | 15-Aug-02 |
YT | Yukon Territory | 7-Aug-13 |
Appendix J - Country Codes and Descriptions
Code | State/Province | Date Activated |
0 | Home school/GED | 15-Aug-02 |
AA | AA--Overseas Military St Equiv | 15-Aug-02 |
AB | Alberta | 15-Aug-02 |
AC | Australian Capital Territory 1 | 21-Aug-13 |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
AE | AE--Overseas Military St Equiv | 15-Aug-02 |
AK | Alaska | 15-Aug-02 |
AL | Alabama | 15-Aug-02 |
AP | AP--Overseas Military St Equiv | 15-Aug-02 |
AR | Arkansas | 15-Aug-02 |
AS | American Samoa | 15-Aug-02 |
AZ | Arizona | 15-Aug-02 |
BC | British Columbia | 15-Aug-02 |
CA | California | 15-Aug-02 |
CO | Colorado | 15-Aug-02 |
CT | Connecticut | 15-Aug-02 |
CZ | Canal Zone | 15-Aug-02 |
DC | District of Columbia | 15-Aug-02 |
DE | Delaware | 15-Aug-02 |
FL | Florida | 15-Aug-02 |
FM | Federation State Micronesia | 15-Aug-02 |
FR | Foreign State | 15-Nov-06 |
GA | Georgia | 15-Aug-02 |
GU | Guam | 15-Aug-02 |
HI | Hawaii | 15-Aug-02 |
IA | Iowa | 15-Aug-02 |
ID | Idaho | 15-Aug-02 |
IL | Illinois | 15-Aug-02 |
IN | Indiana | 15-Aug-02 |
KS | Kansas | 15-Aug-02 |
KY | Kentucky | 15-Aug-02 |
LA | Louisiana | 15-Aug-02 |
MA | Massachusetts | 15-Aug-02 |
MB | Manitoba | 15-Aug-02 |
MD | Maryland | 15-Aug-02 |
ME | Maine | 15-Aug-02 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
MI | Michigan | 15-Aug-02 |
MN | Minnesota | 15-Aug-02 |
MO | Missouri | 15-Aug-02 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
MS | Mississippi | 15-Aug-02 |
MT | Montana | 15-Aug-02 |
N | Northern Territory (Australia) | 7-Aug-13 |
NB | New Brunswick | 15-Aug-02 |
NC | North Carolina | 15-Aug-02 |
ND | North Dakota | 15-Aug-02 |
NE | Nebraska | 15-Aug-02 |
NF | Newfoundland (NL) | 7-Aug-13 |
NH | New Hampshire | 15-Aug-02 |
NJ | New Jersey | 15-Aug-02 |
NL | Newfoundland | 7-Aug-13 |
NM | New Mexico | 15-Aug-02 |
NS | Nova Scotia | 15-Aug-02 |
NSW | New South Wales | 21-Aug-13 |
NT | Northwest Territories (Canada) | 7-Aug-13 |
NV | Nevada | 15-Aug-02 |
NY | New York | 15-Aug-02 |
OH | Ohio | 15-Aug-02 |
OK | Oklahoma | 15-Aug-02 |
ON | Ontario | 15-Aug-02 |
OR | Oregon | 15-Aug-02 |
PA | Pennsylvania | 15-Aug-02 |
PE | Prince Edward Island | 15-Aug-02 |
PW | Palau Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
QC | Quebec | 7-Aug-13 |
QE | Quebec (QC) | 7-Aug-13 |
QL | Queensland Australia | 7-Aug-13 |
QLD | Queensland Australia 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
RI | Rhode Island | 15-Aug-02 |
S | Southern Australia 1 | 21-Aug-13 |
SA | Southern Australia 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
SC | South Carolina | 15-Aug-02 |
SD | South Dakota | 15-Aug-02 |
SK | Saskatchewan | 15-Aug-02 |
TA | Tasmania (Australia) | 7-Aug-13 |
TAS | Tasmania (Australia) 2 | 21-Aug-13 |
TN | Tennessee | 15-Aug-02 |
TT | Trust Territories | 15-Aug-02 |
TX | Texas | 15-Aug-02 |
UT | Utah | 15-Aug-02 |
VA | Virginia | 15-Aug-02 |
VI | Virgin Islands | 15-Aug-02 |
VIC | Victoria Government | 21-Aug-13 |
VT | Vermont | 15-Aug-02 |
W | Western Australia | 7-Aug-13 |
WA | Washington | 15-Aug-02 |
WI | Wisconsin | 15-Aug-02 |
WV | West Virginia | 15-Aug-02 |
WY | Wyoming | 15-Aug-02 |
XX | State Unknown/Dummy State | 15-Aug-02 |
YT | Yukon Territory | 7-Aug-13 |
Appendix K - Religion Codes
Code | Description |
AG | Agnostic |
AM | African Methodist Episcopal |
AT | Atheist |
BA | Baptist |
BC | Born-Again/Evangelical |
BH | Bahai |
BU | Buddhist |
CO | Congregational/Church of Christ |
CS | Christian Science |
EP | Episcopalian |
HI | Hindu |
JE | Jewish |
JW | Jehovah's Witness |
LD | Latter Day Saints |
LU | Lutheran |
ME | Methodist |
MU | Muslim |
NN | Non-Denominational |
OR | Orthodox |
OT | Other |
PB | Presbyterian |
PC | Brethren/Mennonite |
PE | Pentecostal/Asmbly God/Holiness |
PR | Prot/Xn/Brethren/Non-Denom |
QU | Quaker/Friends |
RC | Roman Catholic |
UN | Unitarian |
UU | Unitarian |
WI | Wicca |
ZZ | None |
Appendix L - Visa Types
Code | Description |
F1 | Student Visa |
J | Visitor Exchange Visa |
XX | Dummy Visa Type |